[Sarkari-Naukri] Harish Sati, How to beat Nervousness before an Interview

How to beat Nervousness before an Interview

Most of us talk dime a dozen when we are with our friends, but the moment we are asked to face an interview or participate in a debate, we get tongue tied. We start fidgeting, sweating, and looking around; rather than focusing on the topic being discussed. Why is it so? What makes us so nervous? Is it the fear of failure alone or is their something else at play? Whatever be the reason, it is more important to know how to overcome this situation. How can we beat nervousness before an important event? Here are some suggestions:-

· Before you start an interview, you would be required to shake the interviewer's hand. Make sure to wipe the sweat off your hands prior to entering the interview room. A sweaty handshake is not the best way to start an interview.

· Do not start asking too many questions at the beginning of the interview. Speaking too much is a sure sign of nervousness. Just sit there as directed and let the interviewer handle the interview. Give straight, intelligent answers. Save your questions and comments for the latter part of the interview.

· Look into the interviewer's eyes in order to stay focused. If you feel uncomfortable doing that, just look at one point near their eyes. In any case do not look around the room or at the ceiling, as if looking for something. Doing this is a sign of either nervousness or disinterest. Both these traits won't get you anywhere.

· Sit up straight with your back against the chair. A slouching posture or sitting at the edge of your chair not only makes you look unintelligent; it also shows your lack of pride in yourself. Do not move or fidget in your chair. It shows that you are uncomfortable being there.

· Don't smirk or laugh that nervous laughter when faced with a question that you can't answer. It will surely give away your uncertainty. Employ a serious, business-like expression and answer the questions honestly.

· Take a small pause before you answer. Don't start answering immediately. Don't try to keep repeating your answer or give explanations. That shows lack of self-confidence.

· Do not scratch your head, rub your hands together, crack your knuckles, jiggle a foot, bite nails, tap your fingers, touch your face un-necessarily, adjust your tie, clench your fists, rub your nose, or twirl the ring on your finger. All these movements give away your nervousness and insecurity.

· Your tone of voice easily reflects your nervousness, so speak deliberately and clearly. Remember, it isn't only what you say, but the way you say it that makes the real difference.

One vital thing to remember is that everyone, without exception, feels slightly nervous before an interview. The success embraces those guys who know how to beat this nervousness…….

with warm regards

Harish Sati
Fortune Institute of International Business
Plot no. 5, Vasant Gaon, Rao Tula Ram Marg
Opp. R.R. Army Hospitial, New Delhi- 110057
Mobile No:- 09990646343
E-mail:- Harish.sati@gmail.com

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