[Sarkari-Naukri] Harish Sati, Vijaya Bank Probationary officers exam 2008 general awareness on socio-economic developments
Vijaya Bank Probationary officers Exam 2008 General awareness on socio-Economic developments |
1. The Foreign Exchange Reserve of India are kept in the custody of…… (A) World Bank (B) International Monetary Fund (C) Prime Minister Rahat Kosh (D) Reserve Bank of India (E) None of these 2. The Reserve Bank of India issues coins and notes of various denominations. At present RBI does not issue coins of which of the following denominations ? 3. The European Union has adopted which of the following as a common currency ? 4. Various Banks in the country have installed machines which disburse money to general public. These machines are called…… 5. Which of the following names is not associated with the insurance business in India ? 6. Commodity Exchanges at various places in India are trading in many metals like gold, silver, etc. Many times we read in newspapers that gold no more has emained the highest trading option and has been replaced by a non-traditional metal known as…… 7. Which of the following is known as Plastic money ? 8. Many a time we see a term in newspapers 'IPO'. What is the full form of the same ? 9. Many a times we read in financial newspapers a term/name NMCEX. What is the full form of the same ? 10. Many Banks these days are entering into business of offering loans against property. This business of the banks can be categorized under which of the following heads of banking ? 11. Which of the following organizations/banks has done a commendable work in the field of micro finance and was awarded Nobel Prize also in the past ? 12. Nobel Prizes are not given for the performance in the area of… 13. In which of the following Hindi films has actor Shahrukh Khan played the role of a Hockey Coach ? 14. Which of the following countries has not made any significant investment in India ? 15. Which of the following is considered an informal method of getting credit/finance ? 16. Which amongst the following nations is not a member of the SAARC ? 17. Which of the following indexes is developed to measure life expectancy, level of literacy, education and standard of living of people in a country ? 18. Which of the following is not a Public Sector Unit/Undertaking/Agency ? 19. Which of the countries represent letter 'C' in the category known as BRIC countries ? 20. Who amongst the following addresses the nation on the Independence Day from the ramparts of the Red Fort, Delhi ? 21. Which of the following awards is given for excellence in the field of sports ? 22. Which of the following does not represent the name of a bank working in India ? 23. Twenty-20 matches are played in the game of…… 24. Which of the following deals between India and one major country was put on a hold for some time as India is finding difficult to implement it ? 25. Which of the following is a type of tax levied by the Govt. on goods and services ? 26. As per the news appeared in some major newspapers India is number two in getting 'PE'. What is the full form of 'PE' as used in the financial world ? 27. Many a times we read in newspapers about 'Financial Inclusion'. What does it really mean ? [Pick up correct statement(s)] 28. Which of the following organizations recently issued some guidelines related to 'Participatory Notes' as used in financial world ? 29. Heavy Water is normally used by which of the following industries ? 30. As per news items published in various newspapers, Italy has offered its help in developing 'SMEs' in India. What is the full form of 'SME' ? 31. Which of the following statements about the 'exports' from India is true ? 32. Which of the following countries for the first time elected a lady as its President recently ? 33. The Govt. of India keeps on clearing the proposal of setting up new SEZs at several places. What does the letter 'S' represent in the 'SEZ' ? 34. Which of the following is not a foodgrain ? 35. Who amongst the following was made the Chairman of the National Land Reforms Council ? 36. Various Govt. agencies/organizations are given responsibilities for implementing various policies/decisions of the Govt. of India. Policies about credit flow to the agricultural/priority sector are framed/implemented through which of the following apex bodies ? 37. As we read every then and now the Monetary and Credit Policy is reviewed and changes/corrections are made frequently. Who amongst the following exactly takes this decision in India ? 38. The World Bank sanctioned Rs. 18,000 crores to which of the following states for its Poverty Alleviation Programme ? 39. The UNO has declared year 2008 as the year of…… 40. Who amongst the following is the author of the book 'Pakistan– The Gathering Storms' ? 41. Which of the following is not a gallantry Award ? 42. Which of the following states has approved sharing Neyyar Irrigation Project water with Tamil Nadu ? 43. Which of the following is not a foreign bank working in India ? 44. Who amongst the following is the Chairman of the 13th Finance Commission ? 45. India has the least or negligible trade relations with ………… 46. Your friend has received a sum of Rs. 10000 from his grandparents. He wants to deposit this sum in a bank under a condition of not to withdraw fully or partially for at least two years. He will be needed to open which type of account in the bank ? 47. Recently, this was in news that ASEAN is an association of …… 48. Names of two important persons are often visible in newspapers/magazines/electronic media. These names are Dr. C. Rangarajan and Dr. Bimal Jalan. Which of the following facts are identical in the life of both these two persons ? 49. Which of the following places of West Bengal was in news recently, since some violent incidences took place due to an attempt of agricultural land aquisition for industrial purposes ? 50. In accordance with the reports published in the papers/magazines, the Government of India and some NGOs have declared/started some projects to help/ to provide relief to the farmers in general and specially to perplexed farmers. Which of the following is not such a plan ? Answers |
with warm regards
Harish Sati
Fortune Institute of International Business
Plot no. 5, Vasant Gaon, Rao Tula Ram Marg
Opp. R.R. Army Hospitial, New Delhi- 110057
Mobile No:- 09990646343
E-mail:- Harish.sati@gmail.com
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