[Sarkari-Naukri] Harish Sati, Switch over from negative to positive attitude

Switch Over from Negative to Positive Attitude

If your constant regain is, "I cannot. It cannot be done. I do not have the luck except of the bad kind. Things always go the way opposite I want", you are inflicting a psychological injury on your own self. You are crippling your chances of a bright career and life.
This negative trend gets so deeply sunk into your personality that failure, gloom and self-disapproval become an integral part of your whole being.
However, this need not be so. Negative can give way to positive. It is easy because both are acquired thought patterns. You were not born a negative. You can now become a positive. Learn from the photographer. He develops negatives into positives. Be your own photo-grapher!
In simple words, the negative and destructive or disintegrating forces can be forced out, and replaced by new and constructive ones which re-build your personality.
Negative thinking generates a circle which goes on re-cycling emotional toxins. Regrets, self-distrust, anticipation of failures, creeping tears build an invisible horror edifice of inside you.
Each time you become a little more like what you dread like being, you forge one more link to the vicious chain.
If it is true of negative thoughts, it is also true of positive ones. Positives begin to reverse the negatives, just as glimmers of light dispel thickness of darkness. One solid positive thought lays foundation of a cheerful edifice.
The antidotes for poisons of failure and false ambition exist in your mind. Replace them.
Experiments made by Elmer C. Gates have shown that depressing emotions generate injurious compounds. Agreeable emotions generate chemical compounds which stimulate cells to generate energy.
You can build your own mind, calling up pleasant memories and ideas. Summon feelings of benevolence and unselfishness. Heaven and hell exist in your own mind!
Devote time to these emotional gymnastics. At the end of a month you will find the change in yourself which will be apparent in your actions and thoughts.
Anger, for example, changes the chemical properties of the saliva to a poison dangerous to life. Sudden and violent emotions can weaken the heart in a few hours, and can cause imbecility, even death.
Use emotional chemistry to neutralise a thought with the opposite thought, just as an acid is neutralised by an alkaline antidote!
Counteract the corrosive power of depressing thought by its cheerful antidote. The optimistic thought is sure death to the pessimistic one.
Harmony neutralises discord. The health thought will antidote the ailing, sick thought. You cannot smile and scout at the same time.
"I am ailing. I am dying." Replace it with, "I am well and kicking. I am growing in vitality. Why should I nurse death-thoughts?"
Nothing exhausts life as hatred, jealousy and revenge. They who nurse these passions are worn out; look haggard, even before they have reached middle age. They are premature fossils of life.
If you have a fever, you go to a physician for an antidote, but when jealousy or hatred is raging within, you suffer until the fever gradually wears itself out, not knowing that by an application of love which would quickly antidote it, you could easily have avoided suffering and the wear and tear of the system.
You cannot drive darkness out of a room. Let in the light and the darkness flees! The way to get rid of failure is to flood the mind with success.
Vijaya, a struggling journalist, has acquired the habit of refreshing her mind even in the most trying and exacting conditions. Knowing the power of mental images to renew the mind, she has learned to eliminate all those which suggest dark, unfortunate images, by dwelling on their opposites—those which bring beautiful, cheerful, uplifting, encouraging pictures to her mind.
Through magic of chemistry, she has been able to maintain serenity and balance which endear her to all who know her.
In the past, you have been pilling one gloomy thought on another and have built a solid wall. Now, reverse the process.
As a starter, use Emil Coue's famous: "Every day in every way, I am getting better and better."
Such a positive affirmation repeated loudly echoes in your mind, driving out the doubts, your traitors.
You can adopt a multi-dimensional approach—personal, significance, work, people, life.
If you look upon yourself as worthless, a waif afloat on the water of life, you will reflect it in your words and actions.
If you exhibit bright image, confident words and self-assured behaviour, it also shows lifewise.
Negative thinking hinges on a feeling of inferiority and worthlessness just as positive thinking on personal worth. It is important to have a feeling of personal
significance. You are unique as individual.
Positive thinking is a way of looking at life. Sometimes, a negative approach springs from wanting to do things you are not fit enough to do. You misfire.
There must be self-acceptance in ample measure. Your real potential remains unexplored, but you go about exploring what really does not belong to you. This happens when you try to be someone else than your own self.
A batchmate of mine desperately tried to become what I had. His efforts ended in vain because he was not trying to explore and realise his own potential. He was trying to fake me. His attempts at getting into and staying in print ended after a few feeble attempts.
This happens to many because they nurse delusions about themselves, either overestimating or underestimate themselves.
How do you look at your work? Do you look upon it as a necessary evil? If so, current of gloom flows in your thinking. You go about life as a lost soul. You are distracted. You will meet mishaps because you are an accident in search of occurrence!
Bias and prejudice play an important role in negative thinking. A senior faculty member of the
university department where I taught, was driven by strong, inexplicable forces against me. I was baffled till a journalist friend told me that he would continue to boil against me till my by-line appeared in a prestigious English language daily of the region.
This gentleman had not cultivated a simple maxim of positive thinking: congratulate those who deserve it.
Success in life does not depend on our circumstances, but on ourselves. More men have ruined themselves than have ever been destroyed by others. More houses and cities have perished at the hands of man, than storms or earthquakes have ever destroyed.
Who fills madhouses? Surely, not fairies of nature. Just ravages inflicted upon man by his own self.
There are two sorts of ruins; one is the work of time, the other of man. Of all ruins, the ruin of man is the saddest. "A man's worst enemy", Seneca said, "is the one in the breast."
Providence does not create evil, but gives liberty, and if we misuse it we are sure to suffer, but have only ourselves to blame. "Many men", says La Bruyere, "spend much of their time in making the rest miserable".
We all know how to make ourselves miserable.That is simple enough. Be selfish, take offence easily, think too much of yourselves and too little for others, be extravagant, run into debt, take too much to eat and drink, and you will be miserable enough. This is suicide in measured steps!
Life is not a bed of roses, but neither should it be a field of battle. Some people waste their living in wishing for what they know they cannot have, in regretting what they cannot avoid, and talking of what they do not understand.
What we call evil is good misapplied, or carried to excess. A wheel, or even a cog out of place throws the whole machinery out of gear, and if we place ourselves out of harmony with the harmony with the constitution of the universe, we must expect to suffer accordingly. Actions have consequences.
Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affliction, weakness, thrift, avarice. It is proverbial that what is one man's meat is another man's poison.
We bring the troubles of life on ourselves by own errors—errors in both senses, by doing what we know all the time to be wrong; but also, and perhaps almost as much, by our mistakes.
Try to do what you ought and you will have no doubt what you ought to do. If we do wrong, it is with our eyes open; for if they are not open, unless indeed we have wilfullly shut them, we may act unwisely, but it is not sin.
We must trust to reason; to that of parents, of elders, of friends; to our education and to ourselves.
Indeed, our education is part of ourselves. We have all at any rate one pupil whom we must teach and educate. What we teach ourselves becomes such more a part of our being than what we learn from others.
Education does not end when we leave school. It has, in fact, just begun! It goes on through life. "How well it would be", said Seneca, "if men would but exercise their brains as they do their bodies, and take as much pains for virtue as they do for pleasure.
"What you wish to be, that you are; for such is the force of our will that whatever we wish to be, seriously, and wish a true intension, that we become."?Moreover, we generally know what we ought to do, for conscience tells us "more than seven watchmen that sit aloft in a high tower."

with warm regards

Harish Sati
Fortune Institute of International Business
Plot no. 5, Vasant Gaon, Rao Tula Ram Marg
Opp. R.R. Army Hospitial, New Delhi- 110057
Mobile No:- 09990646343
E-mail:- Harish.sati@gmail.com

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